Dopo un meeting con i dipendenti dei propri store, Apple ha introdotto nuovi ed importanti cambiamenti, come nuove e rinominate posizioni lavorative, un nuovo ‘credo’ e nuovi layout dei negozi.
Apple aggiungerà tre nuove posizioni lavorative per i suoi store. Inizialmente le novità riguarderanno solo Stati Uniti e Regno Unito, ma dovrebbero arrivare in seguito anche in altri paesi. Le posizioni dovrebbero essere: Pro, Creative Pro e Technical Expert.
Oltre alle nuove posizioni, Apple ha applicato anche queste modifiche:
- Red Zone Specialist → Specialist
- Family Room Specialist → Technical Specialist
- Business Specialist → Business Expert
- Back-of-House Specialist → Operations Specialist
- Inventory Specialist → Operations Pro
Infine, il colosso di Cupertino ha aggiornato il suo ‘credo’, un motto che la società incoraggerà i propri dipendenti a seguire. Eccolo:
Enriching lives.
We are here to enrich lives.
To help dreamers become doers,
to help passion expand human potential,
to do the best work of our lives.
We give more than we take.
From the planet,
to the person beside us.
We become a place to belong
where everyone is welcome.
We draw strength from our differences.
From background and perspective
to collaboration and debate.
We are open.
We redefine expectations.
First for ourselves, then for the world.
Because we’re a little crazy.
Because “good enough” isn’t.
Because what we do says who we are.
We find courage.
To try and to fail,
to learn and to grow,
to figure out what’s next,
to imagine the unimaginable,
to do it all over again tomorrow.
We believe our soul is our people.
People who recognize themselves
in each other.
People who shine a spotlight
only to stand outside it.
People who work to leave this world better than they found it.
People who live to enrich lives.
Via | MacRumors
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